Saturday, April 28, 2012

Pinhole Camera!

Today Hannah and I built a pinhole camera!
We found an AMAZINGLY EASY tutorial at, and it looked so much fun!
We found this tutorial sometime earlier this week, and most of the supplies we already had.
We've taken some photos, but we need to finish the film before we get them developed. I have no idea how long that will take...

Pictures coming some time soon!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Possibly the best Calvin and Hobbes comic?

One must love the look on Susie's face when she says, "He's not a rabbit, he's a little boy!", and also the look on Calvin's face when he says, "A BABY?! I DON'T WANT A BABY!"

And notice that the clothes Susie wears matches her adult clothes, and Calvin's, too.

A Blue-Sky Morning

So, this morning at 9 we went for our Saturday run for track.
I always love the Saturday runs because it seems like we always do something different and fun and more adventurous. And then sometimes there's waffles.
We ended up going to Teddy Bear Cove, which took about 30 minutes from the vet. It was a really fun run and it seemed like everyone was out on the trail and walking or biking or taking care of the trail. Once we got there, we sat on the rocks (and in bird poop :/ ) and threw rocks in the water and just sat and talked. The water was super still and calm and there was a nice breeze complimented by the sun and the blue sky.
After we got back home, Celeste drove us to the opening of Menchies, the fro-yo place. :) yums! It was really fun and we saw a few people we recognized. I (Sarah) had fruit punch sorbet and mango sorbet blend. It was really good. And then I topped it with coconut, yogurt chips, chocolate chips, mochi and boba. Hannah had the same yogurt as me but had kiwi, pineapple, strawberries and chocolate chips on it. It was really fun, but it was pretty crowded. Luckily, we found a table for two outside that was nice. After finishing our yummies, we walked home because Celeste had to take her car to play practice.
We were going to go to the Farmer's market, but that never happened.
It's been a pretty day! :D

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Lil' Haiku

Your breath smells like ants
You are a nice anteater
And not a hippo.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy, sunny, awesome day!

So, today, like yesterday (see post below) was awesome!

We helped out at our school mushroom compost thing, and it was a lot more fun that I thought it would be. I mean, it wasn't REALLY fun, but it wasn't horrible. We also saw Leah there! Thanks for supporting! ;) heehee.

   Anyway, we decided after that to go to the farmer's market, and it was so much fun! It was the first time we went there this season. We got a cheesy pretzel at Ralf's, and then we got a yummy little hibiscus-grapefruit drink at some little stand where you got to choose what you wanted in it! We thought there would be lemonade in it, but that's okay! It was really good! The person there put a 1/4 grapefruit, and then hand-ground hibiscus thingies, and some organic syrup, and then water. It was so yummy, and it made it feel like the summertime!
:) Back when it was summer...

 So, after we did a little spying in the woods, (uneventful) we went outside and laid out a blanket and I read, and Sarah wrote a letter, and then we laughed, and talked in funny accents, and all that good stuff. And we even saw a butterfly!

It was a good day. :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Orchestra, Dinner, Orthodontist and a some other things

SO, on Wednesday, we had a LOOOOONG orchestra test about composers. We've been doing some presentations in our class about the composers; we've been taking notes for the open-note test. Besides it being quite difficult--
        with 24 note-pages about 24 composers;
        about 24 fill-in-the-blank questions;
        about 24 true-or-false questions;
        about 24 multiple choice questions;
        24 matching questions on what-country-are-they-from;
        24 matching questions on who-composed-what-piece (by far the hardest);
        24 matching questions on born-died years;
        1 paragraph and 1 essay--
we only had 1 hour and 35 minutes to finish it!

I took up the whole time, but Hannah went a few minutes after class. ANYWAYS, we haven't actually PLAYED in  about a week. And our concert coming up is called the Pops Concert, where we play music composed in the last 10-or-so years, usually from movies. We all voted on our top 15 songs, and then, from that selection, the top 5.
the song that we'll be playing with the Advanced Orchestra (a total of about 85 kiddos!)

Lord of the Rings!!!!!!!!!!!! 
:D :D :D :D :D 

We are going to sound so cool! It is called "Highlights from LORD OF THE RINGS, the Fellowship of the Ring" so it basically is a medley of songs like: Many Meetings , The Ring Goes South, and then some reprises of those and one other song, I can't remember it now.
:D Yays!

For 6 years, we've been going the Orthodontist. 
For all those year's, we've never won the monthly prize for brushing you teeth well, keeping care of your appliance, etc. 
Until now.
:D :D :D :D
Hannah won the April drawing!!!!!!
They have different themes, like superbowl, movie, picnic, etc!
She'll get gift certificates to places like Mallards and Dairy Queen!

Tonight was our parents' 16th anniversary! We went to the New York Pizza & Bar! It was really fun; we had pizza and rootbeer! It was a really good place. 

Today at track we ran a pretty short ways; we'll have a meet on Wednesday next week, so its a while until we have to compete.

Tomorrow, since we're not competing in the varsity meet, we are working tomorrow at the Mushroom Compost sale, where the JV team gets a lot of money from this. :/ Not so excited about shoveling smelly compost into bags. 


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A nice run in the rain!

A short lil' story:

We just came back from track.
We ran 8 400s at a mile pace, so the work out was really easy.
It was fun!
Even though it was cold, we had fun.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Ah, spring is here!
The birds are chirping!
The sun is out!
 And it's Easter!