
Hello, folks! So far, I think this blog is great! I also just love that picture of me.☺ Silly hamburgers.
Anyway, I think that three words to describe me would be...
1. Silly and Funny (Oh wait, that was two...)
2. Imaginative
3. Plain ol' weird. (But the good weird. ☺)
Some things I think are awesome are Lord of the Rings (Yes, I'm crazy about those books/movies! I just love them.) Also Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and other books of that sort we both like :)
Also, I think that the best ice cream in the world is... Well, I really like the one with cheesecake in it, I like the traditional cookie dough (unlike some people... *cough Sarah cough*) also white chocolate raspberry (Häagen Dazs) is really good. And I like doing a lot of smileys in my typing.☺
Ok. That was all sort of random, but c'est la vie!
Bye for now!