Monday, January 2, 2012

Spy show

Today, Sarah and I were trying to think of something to do with the few hours we have left of winter break. :'( Well, we decided to make a spy show (with different episodes, and stuff.) called Double Trouble but we need some ideas for what to include... we want the HQ to be in the garage, we want cool gadgets (or things that look like they are normal but really are gadgets... even better. :D ) So, we need ideas for the following... answer to as many or as little as you like.
  1. How to start it off... will we be spies at the start of the show, or will we learn to be spies along the way. I think the first way would be easier, but still. We want input. :)
  2.  I think we'll keep our normal names... but maybe put an "Agent" in front. :) sound good?
  3. What should some missions be?
  4. Should we always do things together, or should we sometimes split up to do missions separately by choice or by HQ's desire?
  5. How long should each episode be? 5 minutes
  6. I don't think we want it to be a mystery... but maybe some mysterious things like a mystery might have? I don't know.....
Okay, you all can just reply (or not reply) to whatever ones you want. :) HEEHEE!


  1. 2) I think that would be fine, or you could change them depending on if you need to go "under-cover"!

    4) I vote "Depending on the HQ's desire" you could alternate and do somethings together and some things separately depending on if HQ orders you to!

    5) 5 minutes is never a bad choice

    That sounds like fun!!

  2. Leah's#2: I LIKE that idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Leah's#4+5: Okay, cool! :)

  3. YES!! Awesome! It's always nice to get a spy's opinion... ;D

  4. Haha, good one, Sarah!

    You're welcome!
