Monday, June 4, 2012


Today we had our first End of Course exams. It's this year's state testing. :P We have it tomorrow and on Wednesday, too. The EOC was for biology and geometry. We were both nervous, mostly for the biology one because we weren't sure whether our teachers had prepared us enough or not, because on the practice test we didn't do as well as we had hoped. To pass the EOC you need about 50%.
This morning when I (Sarah) took the Bio test, it only took about 15-20 minutes!!!!!!! I was so surprised at how easy-ish it seemed! The math one took me a while because of one ridiculous question, (;-D) but I did finished!
Here's Ham's report:
Well, pretty much the same story here. In Geometry I had hardly any problems, but in Bio it was a little more difficult. Out of the 13 problems in today's section, I was a little unsure on like 3 or 4 of them. But, that's ok! I still feel a lot better about it compared to how I did before!
I think I'll sign us off for now--
Over and Out!

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