Thursday, June 14, 2012

What a wonderful birthday!!!!!! *<:)

What a wonderful birthday it was indeed!

It started with going to school and after hanging around the lockers a little, the girls' friends Kristin and Taylor say (in a very suspicious way) "Let's go on a birthday walk to the student lounge!!" Unknowing in regards to what was about to come, Sarah and Hannah came along. After several awkward moments (for they didn't have a clue what was going on), back at the locker their dear friend Lydia had put up a beautiful display of wrapping paper on the locker with cute little bows and a piece of paper that said, "Happy Birthday Sarah and Hannah! We love you!"

Several hours later, lovely Megan baked some birthday brownies, which were shared among the birthday girls as well as Megan and Lydia. Those famous brownies tasted ever-so-wonderful on this ever-so-wonderful day. After lunch ended, it was back to class.

The twins came home and a little bit later they went on a run at Lake Padden with the XC team. That, too, was fun with the little cupcakes their mom had made. The cupcakes were also in part for the graduating seniors' last run with the team. Then, the large group sang a rallying rendition of "Happy Birthday"!

Once they got home, their good friend Leah brought over balloons and a Menchies gift card! Then, they made gyoza and it turned out delicious! For dessert, they had Tillamook Mudslide ice cream pie. Yum-my!
They opened their presents, to find things like a cartoon-drawing book (Fun!), some clothes (Cute!), pens, highlighters, and planners (EEE!!). Another thing they got was a very cool yet easy to use video software program. They now can do green-screen stuff (I can fly!), and even 3D if they put in the effort!!

These young ladies would like to thank every one who was thinking of them on their birthday, and they had a lovely time.