Monday, September 17, 2012

Past week or so...

Hi! It's been a while....

We've had a lot of homework lately.... :P But a lot of the time we do things before they are due, so things get out of the way quickly and it's not as hard to fall behind. :)

We had a fun fun cross country meet on Saturday! It was in South Whidbey and it was our first 5K of the year! My time was 23:48:10 and 42nd place out of 145 and Sarah's was 23:41:64 and 36th place! We both felt that it was a good race and we were really happy! It was suuuuuper hot out, though, but we were happy that our race was first, at 10:35.

The course was really good, it was nice and spread out. We did a lap around a field and then went out into the woods and there was this BIG hill. Sarah was awesome going up there! She was so fast! It was great. :)
You did a little lap in the woods, too, and then you went across a baseball field... this was probably the worst part in my opinion. It was really mushy and you lost a lot of your momentum in the dew-y grass. Then you were back on the field and had about 1000 meters to go. Then you got on the track and you finished it off. :) Our coach, Kevin, said that me and another girl, Shauna, did really well, "AWE-some race!! Keep it up!" :D and then at the end, he was yelling at me to pass some girl in front of me, and I did and it was really fun. :)

Well, then on Sunday, it was our dad's birthday! We had celebrated it a few days early because our mom left for Malibu and wouldn't be here on the actual day. But anyway, we gave him a cider-press and so that Sunday we made.... APPLE CIDER! or apple juice. It's really good! A little tart, but it's good all the same! It was really fun to put it together and wind the wheel and chop up the apples and EVERYTHINGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! It was really fun. :)

Photo: Livin' off the fat o' the land!
We made about 1 and a half gallons!!! :D
Photo: Assembling the cider press!

Anyway, better get ready-ish for bed now. :)
G'night! :)

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