Sunday, March 11, 2012

Laffeen's Run today!

Today almost as soon as we got up, we decided to go on a run to Laffeen's to get donuts!
We brought $6, but it cost $6.11, so I had to trade my donut for a small one. But that's okay it still tasted really yummy. :D
Anywho, when we ran back it started raining really hard! But we made it all in one piece and even saw 3 deers cross the street!!!
(When this happened, Raney stopped and WOULD NOT MOVE. So I said in a really excited voice, "Mama and Paaaapaaa!!!" and then she started bolting back home. Silly dog. )
Mama and Papa came back last night from Hawaii, and we've just been chillin' at home.

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