Saturday, July 21, 2012

Target and Costo, Babysitting, Pirates, Avenue Bread, Lake Samish, Fairhaven, and Whatcom Falls

Yesterday we went to Target and Costo and at Target, Sarah got these SUPER cute stickers and I got 4 of those scratch off rainbow things! I love those!! :) A few days ago we also watched Beauty and the Beast... ♥♥♥♥♥!!! YAYAYA!!! I love itttttt!!!!!
Last night we babysat, and it was pretty fun! It can be hard to get kids to go to sleep, but it all worked out in the end. :) When we came home, we decided that we wanted to watch a movie! We decided to pick Pirates of the Caribbean At World's End (#3) because we just realized that we hadn't seen it before! :O Sarah and I thought that we had, but we looked at the cover and it was unrecognizable. So, we watched in in my room. Sarah brought her sleeping bag over and it was quite fun. (Though, we did fall asleep in the middle of it. Perhaps more of it tonight? ;) )

Last night (well I suppose it was this morning), Mama left at 4:00am to go to Atlanta! She'll be there for about a week.

In the morning, Celeste woke us up because her friend Emma, had come down and why not do something fun? So we left for Avenue Bread. :) I got an almond croissant. It was goood! But very sweet.

After that, we went to Lake Samish. It was sort of cloudy out, but we all wore shorts anyway in hopes that our summery attire might change the weather. (And it did!) It was a little too cold to swim, but we dipped our feet in. Actually, it was pretty funny because Celeste, Sarah, and I were far down on a rock with our feet in and then a big wave came and almost got us all wet with all our clothes on. We were thinking about paddle boats, but the office opened at 12 and it was only 10. But another day, perhaps. :D

 After that we went to Fairhaven and looked in Village Books and then the Paper Dreams. I really like that store! They had this one hanging chair and it was SO comfortable!! I want to fall asleep in it now!! ;) We also went to "Drizzle" which was an olive oil and vinegar tasting shop. It might sound sort of weird but it was really fun! They had lots of weird flavors for OO&V, like orange and chocolate... :P gross. But a lot of them were good, like a rosemary olive oil! Afterwards we went to Fairhaven Toy Garden, and mostly played with their puppets. :) It was a fun day!

We came back home and then Emma left, and Celeste left for a haircut!! Sarah and I decided to go for a run, and it was super hot and hard, but we had a Popsicle and it was yummy. :) and then we had some chocolate milk! And now we are having Arthur mac and cheese and listening to Disney songs!!


  1. I just finished the 3rd Pirates movie. It was ververy disappointing. I mean, really? I'm glad Will was still alive and everything but he was like "Sorry, hon! We just got married but I have to go turn into a barnacle!" What the heck!??!?!

  2. Hahahahah!!! Well put! :) That made us laugh!!!! ahhahah!!
