Thursday, July 12, 2012


Malibu was SO incredible! We had a blast!
It took a really long time to get there, but Bellingham was the closest city, so I feel bad for the other people who were from like... Ellensburg and even Seattle because it took a really long time!

One of our first views of Malibu!!
Finally, we arrived! We had dinner there and met some of the "characters", Swag and Yolo, who were people from the future that came and told us that their great grandparents went to Malibu, but it was destroyed on July 6th! (We were there July 3-9th).

Then, later that night, we went outside and had to "protect our leader". Well, I don't think that we protected our leader, Ashley, at all! It was an obstacle course though all sorts of grime and muck... We had to army crawl through mud, and then there were other obstacles, too, but that one was the grossest. And then, at the end of it all, we jumped into the inlet! It was FREEZING! But we   were all so muddy, I'm glad that we did. :)

The next day, we met "Sherman the Merman" who was the one who was going to destroy Malibu. He was angry at everyone because his daughter left him to model for a coffee company. (There were a lot of Little Mermaid and Starbucks references, here. ;) ) He said that humans had no idea how to have fun.... so, we got ready for a race against other cabins. Well, not really a race, but lots of little challenges! Our team's theme was Superman! (And what's weird is that the other SHS boys were dressed as superheroes, too!)

Yahoo! (The leis were for the 4th of July. :D)
"No, throw it more to the left!"

There were lots of things we had to do, like, for example, Sarah had to throw a Frisbee blindfolded, and other things like that. :)

Each day we had about 4 1/2 hours of free time. We spent a lot of that time doing activities on the water!!
There were a lot of things to do... and the first thing we did was wake board! Wake boarding was pretty hard at first... I went down half the inlet putting equal weight on both of my feet, so my board was going straight rather than angled...

Yay!!! :)


Sarah had a bit more trouble, but she did get on top of the water for a good 4 seconds!

Anyway, after dinner we would have club. The first few nights was sort of like... who Jesus is and then there were different images of him, and then, after club, we would have cabin time!
Also, sometime during club we would have Buzz, Woody, and Jesse characters come up and we would play some games that either Buzz or Woody made up to impress Jesse. (They both liked her, and it was sort of funny!) On one of the nights I had do be the mustard in a hamburger dog pile. :P Ooh, boy, did I get squished!
That night we had a carnival in the gym there, and we pied Ashley, our leader, a few times. :) Oh, and then we "flushed her" by having her sit under a toilet and then we pulled a string and she would have to sit under the cold, cold water. It was funny. :)

The third day we went on "Dragon Boats" which are like big canoes, and we paddled a total of 4 miles! We went to "Beyond Malibu" which is an intense camp where they do like, week-long hikes and stuff. We also had really yummy hot chocolate with spices in it. :)
That day we also went zip-lining! It was fun!

Dragon boats!

 On our third day, Sherman told us that we were "clumsy in the water" and so we had some challenges in the pool and on the Inner Dock! I was a sandcastle builder. :) Sarah and our friend Jessica were blindfold canoe-ers. :) It was pretty funny. :)
After all of the water games, we were sprayed with "snow"! (It was really like soap in a big hose or something). It was fun!
But then we had to get sprayed off and it was realllllly cold. :|

The "snow"
Later that day, Sarah and I went kayaking! It was really fun. We were in the Outer dock, and it was a lot more open feeling than the Inner Dock. There were a lot of seals around, and on the fourth day we saw one REALLY close by!

Ashley, me, Sarah, Jessica, and Belen all went on the hike!
That afternoon, we went on a hike to some viewpoint. Most of the time we were scrambling madly up boulders, trying not to fall, but it was worth it. It was really really pretty! -->

That night, they set up "Late Night at the Malibu Club" in the club room and they had it all set up like Hollywood... There was a camera on an interviewer who would interview campers about to go into the club room... and behind him was a screen with a print on it like in TV shows and things. :)

Ooooh! Aaaah!!!
Me & Sar :)
The show in the club room was SO funny! All the leaders were doing skits and things! Some of them were a Hunger Game synopsis, or a kid getting ready to drive with his dad for the first time, but you had no idea it was his dad, because he had a clipboard and was checking everything. Then the "driving instructor" pulled away from a gas station with out paying, was telling the kid to speed up, and it was really funny, since everyone thought it was an instructor. Then at the end, the kid was like, "I'm never driving with you again, dad!" And then we all got it. It was REALLY funny! There were some gross skits too.... but.... yeah. It was gross. ;)

This was the night that Sherman was going to destroy Malibu! We had Buzz and Jesse and Woody come, and they resolved everything... Jesse ended up with Woody, Buzz and Swag ended up together, and Sherman's daughter, Princess Louisa (The inlet at Malibu was Princess Louisa Inlet.) came back with Prince Eric and at first Sherman was surprised but still wanted to destroy Malibu. Then Princess Louisa told Sherman she was going to have a baby and  he would be a grandfather! (To which he responded, "ARE YOU KID-DING ME?!?!" It was funny.) Then he got all nice and told us that he wanted Malibu to be available for his grandchild, and stuff like that. It was fun!! All this time when the characters were fixing everything up, they were talking in songs, so the lyrics sort of went with the situation. It was really well done, and it was hilarious to see Sherman singing multiple verses of "Part of that World" from the Little Mermaid. And he ended up as a human, too.)

So later that night they "brought people back from the future" to show Sherman that people of all decades could have fun!
Our cabin was from the '80s, and others were in togas, or from the '70s, etc. It was fun to see everyone dressed up! That night we had a big dance party on the dock (well, sort of on the dock.) and listened/danced to music from throughout the decades. :) And then we all jumped in the pool!

On the fifth day, we got up early before breakfast and we headed over to the ropes course! It was sort of hard, but it was short and it was fun!
At the end of it, you could leap for a bar but Sarah didn't want to, so she just jumped off, but she didn't expect to fall as much as she did (even though it was short), so she was screaming, but then the ropes caught her, and it was like "AAAAAAA-OOF!" very suddenly. It was really funny. :)

That day, Sarah and I decided to go on the caribe. It's like a banana shaped inflatable boat that is getting pulled behind a motor boat, and most of our cabin mates had done it, but we were afraid to. But we decided that it's better to try it and realize you don't like it than leave thinking that you would have. But, we didn't like it that much. I'm still glad I did it though. :)
Pinterest! ;) I ♥ this quote!
That night at club we had time to sit outside and think about all the stuff that we learned that week, and reflect on what Jesus did for us.

The 6th, day we told Sherman that now that he's in human's world, he should learn our customs, so that day was sort of a Christmas in July. It was fun, but sort of weird because it was so themed, and it didn't feel like Christmas at all!!!
Later THAT night at club, the speaker told us how we have the opportunity to "get under the waterfall" with God. (It was an analogy from a story he told.) We had another quiet time outside, and then we went back into the club room and could say if this was the first time you decided to follow God, or how Malibu changed you, or, that Malibu made your relationship with God stronger (which we said). That was basically our final day... On the 7th day we mostly cleaned out things.

Oh, there was also this yummy yummy ice cream shop and one day Sarah and I got a Mango-7Up float... hahah sorry that was random but I got all excited about it. :))))

Overall, Malibu was an AWESOME camp and definitely one of the best weeks of my life! I might have forgotten to say some of the things we did, but it was truly an AWESOME week!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. Love you both and am very happy that you had such a good time. <3
