Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Happy happy summer days! ☼

Alright! It's been a good couple of days!

Yesterday we went to Lydia's house for a run! It was about 45 minutes.... 2 and 1/2 or 3 miles! It was sort of hot out, but it was bearable. After we ran and we waiting for our mom to pick us up we jumped on Lydia's trampoline for a few minutes. :) That was fun, too!

Life continued as usual, and then at 5:30 we went to Sehome to go on a hill workout. It's a fairly hard workout, but yesterday it felt really good. After we ran there was weightlifting which our mom strongly encouraged us to attend... they've had them about twice a week but we haven't gone to any yet. We were pretty unwilling at first, but once we got there, it was fine and sort of fun! There's another one on Wednesday that I think we are going to.

Today we had driver's ed and well... that was pretty much that. After we got home, we (upon Celeste's previous request) went berry picking at Barbie's Berries out in Ferndale! But wait! There's more!!

Sar and I drove there!! :O

Yes, chalenging tasks were involved.... a roundabout, large trucks, and of course,
the freeway. :O

It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it would be... I was on there longer that Sarah was (we took different routes and mine was a little longer.)... like... 6 miles or so. :O But the worst part wasn't merging, like I thought it would be for me, it was changing lanes to get out of the way of entering vehicles and then getting in behind them so we could get to our exit. But, we were both successful! :) The entire driving took like.... 45 minutes I think!

Well, we all wanted to go for the raspberries, but when we got there, Sarah decided to get a pail to pick some blueberries, too. :)
Here's a picture of the lunch Sar and I made... It's a baguette with arugula and cucumbers and bacon and Balsamic vinegar! so yummy! We made it all up!!

Yay for berry picking!!

:) I like this one
Celeste's berries

Uh oh! Sarah's blueberries spilled!!! :'(

Heart-shaped one!

Filled up the car!

Afterwards, I just chilled out on the deck with Raney. :)

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