Monday, July 23, 2012

Drivin, Drivin!

Well, today we drove for one hour on Hannegan! It felt pretty fast but...well, manageable. Got up to 50/55ish mph!! That's close to the freeway!!!
We have a drive with our driver's ed peoples coming up on Wednesday. Luckily, this one will be easy, just on normal roads, I'm pretty sure, and we went down to Sudden Valley and Agate Bay yesterday, which was narrow and winding. WE'RE PROS! Just kidding. ;) But on drive #3  with them we go on the freeway... and we've already signed up for two!
Ah, well, we'll just take it as it comes... I guess.
PS- Oh! And we got Brave Temple Run! It's fun! :)


  1. it's pretty good! the animation of her dress when she jumps is SO like in the movie. it's really good, but then it sort of stalls sometimes and it's ahrder to see with the landscape pretty much all green.
