Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Early Release day!

Today was an early release day! We got out at 11:15. So, not much has been going on.
We did play Quelf with Celeste though. It was an... interesting game. ;)
Celeste left today to go back to LA for like a week. :(
A couple days ago, we drove for the first time! It wasn't much, just around the driveway and then later in the SHS parking lot, but still. :) It was sort of fun!
Sarah wants me to put this on here "for the records", so this is the most random poll that is for this week:

If a small mole crawled out of the ground and handed you a tiny briefcase, with a little note in it, what would you want it to say?
  • READ AND DESTROY and then a list of profiles of international spies

  • Go to the corner of Oak and Maple. Then look under the rhododendrons for the key. Put this briefcase where the key used to be. Then put the key back in the mole hole.

  • This message will self-destruct in 5.... 4.....
  •  We come in peace.
 Heehee! ;)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Let's go fly a kite... ♪♫.... and kill some squirells?

On Saturday we celebrated Mama's 50th birthday! It was fun, but we had to keep it a surprise for a long time, which was hard. Her friends helped coordinate it all and we had to keep Mama in her room while we set up everything, like the two dozen balloons we got! :D A whole bunch of people came and we ate good food like fried chicken and a good mac and cheese and crackers with cheese and sweet tea and mojitos. It was really fun and everyone had a fun time! Lydia hung out with us for it all and Leah stopped by for a bit and we had lots of fun. It was all a great day.

Yesterday for dinner we roasted hot dogs on the fire pit and had marshmallows and it was really fun! After dinner a little bit, I was burning some ends of sticks in the fire pit and watching them smoke off like candles, and Hannah and Celeste and Papa were all talking. Mama was taking pictures of us (see below) and Hannah found this great stick. She said, "I want to make an arrow," and Celeste turned around and said something like, "do you know how it works?" 'Turns out, our lil' Celeste took up archery at Firwood one year! She retained a good bit of information from it, and we found out a way to make one! We took weed whacker cord or whatever it is and tied it to the stick. I had been whittling (a summertime-campfire hobby of mine) and I fashioned an arrow. We tried it out and it worked ok! It didn't shoot long enough very well but occasionally it would  stick in the ground!
Me, a natural cherub. 
Hannah. Just one glance and she'll kill ya!

Celeste + Bow and Arrow= Katniss
Today we made a kite! It's not windy enough to try it but we think it will work really good. It's been fun making lots of things this weekend. :)

PS we hid the bow and arrows in the woods like Katniss does... :) and we hid them separately like she does, too, ya know, separate the lock from the key... :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Just a Great, Sunshiney day. :)

Yesterday and today have been awesome!!
Yesterday we had a good day at school (Sarah felt good enough to come!) and we sat outside for lunch! It was nice and sunny and warm.
In the afternoon, we did our homework outside and threw the Frisbee and things like that. It was really fun! I forgot how much I love playing Frisbee! It's just so rewarding when you throw a good 'un!
Sarah, playing Frisbee in 2007

Later that night, we had a DELICIOUS dinner containing KIELBASA AND ROASTED RED POTATOES!! (courtesy of the Fisher family. :) ) Our favorite foods! :)
Anyway, after that we went to MALLARDS ice cream and had some yummy stuff there! (I used the gift card from when I won it at the orthodontist's.) I had root beer and lemon liberation, and Sarah had the same.
Us with Anna 2010... what flavor to choose.... :)

This morning we played outside before breakfast with the Frisbee and then ate breakfast. Unfortunately, I still have a sore throat. :( But oh well!
Right now I am drinking some Earl Grey tea and I feel a wee bit better. There are some fun things about to happen today.... ;)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hi Kids!

Hi folkses!
This is Sarah right now. I'm sick again today, but I really want to go to school tomorrow.
-____-   <---tired me.

On another note, Phillip Phillips won American Idol last night!
Talk to you all later..

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

It's been a good day today! (For Hannah)

Sarah had to stay home from school today, because she was coughing a lot. She's been sort of tired and a little puffy and just congested and sick-y. :(
But, for me, I had a pretty good day of school! In P.E., we couldn't use the gym because they were setting up for an assembly [see below!!], so my class left to watch...
How to Train your Dragon in another classroom! We just had gotten to the part where Hiccup and Astrid are riding Toothless into the sunset... ahhhh... :)

 I had to leave it early, though, because I had to go off to the assembly!
It was a 7-Arts Assembly, and we preformed Lord of the Rings!!! It was really fun!
Later, Leah came over and we played some games like Outburst. :) 

Well, I have to get off the computer, but yaya!!!! fun day!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Life right now

So on Wednesday, we got our Holga camera! We loaded the film but we haven't taken any photos yet. I want to take them sometime soon. :)
Tonight we went "Flocking" with some other girls going to Young Life Malibu camp. It's a fundraiser where we put flamingos in their yards and we charge as follows:
  • $30 for removal
  • $40 for removal and we'll flock another person of your choice
  • $50 for removal, flocking another person of your choice, and insurance so you don't get flocked again
  • $0 for removal if you don't want to donate. :)
We went to a lot of houses, but not many people were there... :( Musta been out eating diner. But over all we got almost $150 I think (divided by the four of us girls who flocked). We are going to do it again tomorrow at 10am.
Tomorrow morning, though, before we go flocking, we are going to go on a run with Lydia in Fairhaven. (If everything works out).  :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Holga Camera

It looks like Sarah and I will be getting a Holga camera!! We are getting the 120N version...
Holga camera
:) :) CAN'T WAIT!  

We had some old Amazon gift cards and got a 5 pack of 120 film, too and so it looks like we'll be getting them on Tuesday! I'm really excited. Our friend's mom (a photographer) recommended it to us after looking at our pinhole pictures, and we looked into it and thought, Hey! Why not?  It just looked so awesome and a little more dependable than our pinhole.We'll be sure to use a tripod for this, though. :)


Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, Mama!!!
We love you!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Pinhole Project

Here are some of the best-turning out photos. The experience was really fun!
Dandelion puffs in our field with our fence in the background.

The best picture. I must say, I told Hannah not to take this picture, but it turned out the best. In our kitchen.

I took this one of Raney in our yard with our shed behind her.

This is Reba on the deck lying down.


Pinhole Camera Update: Photos have been developed!!! Hannah's scanning them right now. We went to Quicksilver Photo Lab to have them developed and we're happy with them. We took 23 pictures, but most of them were taken outside and we over-exposed them (in fear of under exposing them). It's okay, though, we're happy that we did it and plan to perfect our technique. Although Celeste warned us to not move the camera, most of them (all?) ;) were blurry. Once you know the subject, though, some of them are decipher-able. Half of them we can't tell. ;) Photos coming very very very very soon!!!! :D

pix pix pix

We are going to get the photos now!!! We are heading out the door! We are getting them!! AYAYA!!! :D :D

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Okay, I don't have much to say...
Except we took the photos to Quicksilver and they will be developed tomorrow!!! :)
AYAY!! I hope at least some of them turn out ok. :\\
Anyway, we'll update when we get the photos back!

Monday, May 7, 2012


What a gorgeous day it is! 68 degrees and sunny!?! Who would ask for more?
We just ran out of film for our pinhole camera!!!

We're also eating cake :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's gonna be just another busy weekend!

Hi guys! On Thursday (wow, it seems so long ago!) we competed in the track meet for the mile and for the 4x4. (Oh yeah and on Tuesday night/Wednesday I threw up 4 times and missed school, but I felt better Wed. evening.)

It was rainy, cold, windy, wet, (and the infield was very squishy for warm ups.) The rain died down a bit sometime near the mile, though, which was good.
The mile went okay. I definitely thought I was going to PR (6:18) but I got 6:21. Officially, Hannah got 6:22, but really, I'm sure that she was only (LITERALLY--) hundredths of seconds away from me. We were so so so so so so so so close! On the homestretch we were just racing and racing, we were really close. I was sort of mad, (heh heh) but Hannah wanted us to be together. It was cool. I imagined a cool Bham Herald picture of us racing there. So, whether or not Hannah got 6:21 or 6:22, she PRed! which we were all really happy about. :)

The 4x4 was fun! We were really excited for our last one. We were the ONLY Sehome team out of boys and girls, JV and Varsity! Unfortunately, there were 3 other teams, so the chance of us placing was slim. :) But it was really good! Although we aren't sprinters, we all ran really fast (for ourselves) for this particular relay. It was fun.

(Hey look! A honey stick!) <-- part of my lunch right now.

Our last track practice. :'0

Thursday night, Hannah and I made a letter for Lauren, part of our 4x4 team, who is a senior, so we wanted to thank her for a wonderful, awesome track and xc season and that we'd miss her next year. :(
We also made a card for all the JV/some of the Varsity to sign. A lot of the JV girls we wanted to have sign didn't come because it's the last one--BUT THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULD COME!! No, they mostly didn't come because the practices now are just for the people going to sub-districts (and hopefully higher!)
We had planned to have a "Vending Machine Picnic" for practice. At the communications center at Western, we sometimes go to the bathroom and get water there. There's these average vending machines there, but we always look at them with longing eyes. We decided to spend our last practice there. The JV boys came with us but they didn't bring money, so we let them share with us. Those darn boys. ;) haha jk. We invited them to come with us. While we ate our picnic at "The Castle", one of many landmarks for us Sehomees,
From the outside of "the Castle", (real name: Rock Rings)
  we hid the card for Lauren in the rock cracks! She found it and really liked it. We ran back and did some "fun strides", where we did strides just for fun, and ran around barefoot. It was so fun. Everyone was laughing and it was just a happy, great, sunny way to end the track season.

We were going to work at the Haggen to Haggen for the Sehome Track team is organizing traffic stuff, but all the slots were filled. So all the "leftover" kids went to the ferry terminal and we set up tables and chairs and tablecloths and napkins and wine glasses and silverware and flowers for an auction tonight. It was a lot of work but it was fun.
We visited Papa today and he saw Raney! Raney was happy to see him, but then she got very, very interested in a squirrel and kind of tuned out on us all.
We took pictures with our pinhole camera some and then ate lunch and now I'm listening to Mulan.

We must be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012


So, it's been a while since a post! (Well, it seems like it, anyway.)
Papa came back home yesterday but now he is in bed and was sick earlier today. :(
Sarah is also in bed; she felt gross after school ( I think she didn't have enough lunch, personally.) so she took a nap and maybe she doesn't feel as sick any more either. :(

Right now I'm eating lemon sorbet (yum!) and I just finished my English homework.
We (well, I have to, Sarah has another teacher) have to write a speech in English. :P I am going to do mine on working with a team, and how it "builds community... pushes your comfort zone, and teaches you to compromise and adapt". Hopefully I won't be too nervous. :|

Oh, and the answer to the poll was 10 minutes for indoors! (10 seconds outdoors).

We have a track meet this Thursday in Burlington... Go Sehome! We are running the mile and the 4x4 again! Yay. :)
