Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Early Release day!

Today was an early release day! We got out at 11:15. So, not much has been going on.
We did play Quelf with Celeste though. It was an... interesting game. ;)
Celeste left today to go back to LA for like a week. :(
A couple days ago, we drove for the first time! It wasn't much, just around the driveway and then later in the SHS parking lot, but still. :) It was sort of fun!
Sarah wants me to put this on here "for the records", so this is the most random poll that is for this week:

If a small mole crawled out of the ground and handed you a tiny briefcase, with a little note in it, what would you want it to say?
  • READ AND DESTROY and then a list of profiles of international spies

  • Go to the corner of Oak and Maple. Then look under the rhododendrons for the key. Put this briefcase where the key used to be. Then put the key back in the mole hole.

  • This message will self-destruct in 5.... 4.....
  •  We come in peace.
 Heehee! ;)

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