Saturday, May 5, 2012

It's gonna be just another busy weekend!

Hi guys! On Thursday (wow, it seems so long ago!) we competed in the track meet for the mile and for the 4x4. (Oh yeah and on Tuesday night/Wednesday I threw up 4 times and missed school, but I felt better Wed. evening.)

It was rainy, cold, windy, wet, (and the infield was very squishy for warm ups.) The rain died down a bit sometime near the mile, though, which was good.
The mile went okay. I definitely thought I was going to PR (6:18) but I got 6:21. Officially, Hannah got 6:22, but really, I'm sure that she was only (LITERALLY--) hundredths of seconds away from me. We were so so so so so so so so close! On the homestretch we were just racing and racing, we were really close. I was sort of mad, (heh heh) but Hannah wanted us to be together. It was cool. I imagined a cool Bham Herald picture of us racing there. So, whether or not Hannah got 6:21 or 6:22, she PRed! which we were all really happy about. :)

The 4x4 was fun! We were really excited for our last one. We were the ONLY Sehome team out of boys and girls, JV and Varsity! Unfortunately, there were 3 other teams, so the chance of us placing was slim. :) But it was really good! Although we aren't sprinters, we all ran really fast (for ourselves) for this particular relay. It was fun.

(Hey look! A honey stick!) <-- part of my lunch right now.

Our last track practice. :'0

Thursday night, Hannah and I made a letter for Lauren, part of our 4x4 team, who is a senior, so we wanted to thank her for a wonderful, awesome track and xc season and that we'd miss her next year. :(
We also made a card for all the JV/some of the Varsity to sign. A lot of the JV girls we wanted to have sign didn't come because it's the last one--BUT THAT'S WHY YOU SHOULD COME!! No, they mostly didn't come because the practices now are just for the people going to sub-districts (and hopefully higher!)
We had planned to have a "Vending Machine Picnic" for practice. At the communications center at Western, we sometimes go to the bathroom and get water there. There's these average vending machines there, but we always look at them with longing eyes. We decided to spend our last practice there. The JV boys came with us but they didn't bring money, so we let them share with us. Those darn boys. ;) haha jk. We invited them to come with us. While we ate our picnic at "The Castle", one of many landmarks for us Sehomees,
From the outside of "the Castle", (real name: Rock Rings)
  we hid the card for Lauren in the rock cracks! She found it and really liked it. We ran back and did some "fun strides", where we did strides just for fun, and ran around barefoot. It was so fun. Everyone was laughing and it was just a happy, great, sunny way to end the track season.

We were going to work at the Haggen to Haggen for the Sehome Track team is organizing traffic stuff, but all the slots were filled. So all the "leftover" kids went to the ferry terminal and we set up tables and chairs and tablecloths and napkins and wine glasses and silverware and flowers for an auction tonight. It was a lot of work but it was fun.
We visited Papa today and he saw Raney! Raney was happy to see him, but then she got very, very interested in a squirrel and kind of tuned out on us all.
We took pictures with our pinhole camera some and then ate lunch and now I'm listening to Mulan.

We must be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the mooooooooooooooon!!!!!!!!!!!!


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