Monday, May 28, 2012

Let's go fly a kite... ♪♫.... and kill some squirells?

On Saturday we celebrated Mama's 50th birthday! It was fun, but we had to keep it a surprise for a long time, which was hard. Her friends helped coordinate it all and we had to keep Mama in her room while we set up everything, like the two dozen balloons we got! :D A whole bunch of people came and we ate good food like fried chicken and a good mac and cheese and crackers with cheese and sweet tea and mojitos. It was really fun and everyone had a fun time! Lydia hung out with us for it all and Leah stopped by for a bit and we had lots of fun. It was all a great day.

Yesterday for dinner we roasted hot dogs on the fire pit and had marshmallows and it was really fun! After dinner a little bit, I was burning some ends of sticks in the fire pit and watching them smoke off like candles, and Hannah and Celeste and Papa were all talking. Mama was taking pictures of us (see below) and Hannah found this great stick. She said, "I want to make an arrow," and Celeste turned around and said something like, "do you know how it works?" 'Turns out, our lil' Celeste took up archery at Firwood one year! She retained a good bit of information from it, and we found out a way to make one! We took weed whacker cord or whatever it is and tied it to the stick. I had been whittling (a summertime-campfire hobby of mine) and I fashioned an arrow. We tried it out and it worked ok! It didn't shoot long enough very well but occasionally it would  stick in the ground!
Me, a natural cherub. 
Hannah. Just one glance and she'll kill ya!

Celeste + Bow and Arrow= Katniss
Today we made a kite! It's not windy enough to try it but we think it will work really good. It's been fun making lots of things this weekend. :)

PS we hid the bow and arrows in the woods like Katniss does... :) and we hid them separately like she does, too, ya know, separate the lock from the key... :)


  1. Haha, that's awesome! I actually think Sarah looks a lot like Katniss in that picture!
